- Construction Management
- Cost Consulting
- Project Management
Owner: City of Richmond/BART
Architect: STV, Inc.
Construction Cost: Phase I: $6,000,000 Phase II: $4,300,000
Project Size: Phase I: 13,600 SF, Phase II: 38,000 SF
The Richmond Intermodal Transit Station project involves comprehensive development of the west (Phase I) and east (Phase II) sides of the BART station.
For Phase I, mack5 provided Construction Management services including constructability review and contractor bid process management. mack5 also produced an independent construction estimate at the end of the design phase. This phase included a new station building, site canopy, upper and lower plaza paving, landscaping & irrigation, storm drains, street improvement, lighting, and a new elevator connecting the upper and lower plazas.
For Phase II (services completed 2018), mack5 provided design assistance and cost estimating service during design and provided complete construction management services following the Caltrans LAPM, since Phase II had Caltrans oversight due to federal transit funds. Construction Management responsibilities included coordinating work with the City & BART, monitoring work progress on site and producing daily inspection reports, site documentation with photographs, attending construction meetings, monitoring and tracking RFIs and submittals, document control and record keeping, schedule review and analysis, change order tracking, review/negotiations, coordinating testing & inspections, contractor payment application review, and punch list. mack5 and our subconsultant AME provided quality control/quality assurance and testing & inspection services on the project, including a full-time mack5 site engineer assigned to the project, who monitored work progress and provided QA/QC of ongoing work. Approximately 30% of time was spent on quality control for the project.
Post-construction services included final pay application review, warranty management set up, closeout document review and contract closeout.
This phase included construction of a new section of Nevin Avenue, from 19th street to the BART station east entrance, along with underground utilities, storm drain, street lighting, landscaping, irrigation, sidewalks, and curbs & gutters. It also included significant improvements to the eastern BART station entrance, with new upper & lower plaza/paving, elevator, entry staircase and bicycle ramp. The project utilized scheduling software and project management software for RFIs, submittals, meeting minutes, change orders, reporting and document control. The Elation system was used for monitoring contractor certified payroll. Special equipment used included asphalt paving machine, excavators, and roller compactors.